Table of Contents
- From the Corner Office. Article by Alan Jordan, President and CEO
- From the Board Room. Article by Mike Harter, Chair, Board of Directors
- From the Other End of the Hallway. Article by Steven Shaiman, Hilton Head International Piano Competition
- FROM THE SOUNDWAVES STUDIO-Neil Diamond, The Great Gatsby, and more. Article by Mario Incorvaia, HHSO Chief Operating Officer.
- Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra (HHSO) Racial Equality Statement
- Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors
- Upcoming Events
The HHSO office will be closed December 25-January 1. You can purchase tickets or make a year-end donation at hhso.org
From the Corner Office

At this time of year, I occasionally recall Andy Williams’ rendition of, “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” It really is, as we both look back on the past twelve months but also look toward the coming year. While much of this newsletter is previewing events in the first part of 2024, I’m going to focus on the past.
2023 was a year of solid growth for the HHSO. Orchestra Series subscription ticket sales increased by 26% last season and by another 11% this season—and we still might see a few more subscriptions come in. Through the first three Series concerts, single tickets sales are up by 33% over last year. This all sounds impressive; yet, we still haven’t attained pre-COVID (2019) sales levels. The current trend suggests we could reach that level during the 2024-2025 season.
The Symphony has remained fiscally sound and stable through this uncertain time primarily because of the strong support of individual contributors. Yes, the pandemic-related public funding was a godsend and really helped; allowing us to continue to compensate our musicians even when we couldn’t present live performances. But you, our donors, kept us going.
We certainly look forward to the day when ticket sales will resume their traditional proportion of overall income in our revenue “pie,” but we’re not there yet. And the HHSO has not been immune to inflationary factors.
In this season of giving, we ask you to consider a special gift to the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra. Whether it’s because you could use another tax deduction, your portfolio has grown more than you anticipated, or you have enjoyed an extraordinary musical experience with the HHSO during 2023, know that your new or additional contribution will help us to serve all sectors of our community: the Orchestra Series, SoundWaves, and free outdoor concert attendees, the students that participate in our competitions, in-school programs, and Young Persons Concerts, and the Coligny visitors who give our chimes installation outside of SoundWaves a try. We appreciate any support you can provide so that we can continue our mission of inspiring, enriching and uniting the Lowcountry.
We wish you a very blessed holiday and a happy, musical new year!
—Alan Jordan, President and CEO

Happy Holidays everyone! You may be taking a breather to focus on the other events of the season along with your visiting family and friends, or you may be preparing to travel to a loved one’s abode for a brief visit to enjoy the season. But after the rush of a seemingly very busy series of Fall performances, you might consider that the HHSO will also take a breath and a break from performing for a few weeks. NOT TRUE!! While we recently finished the year with our final 2023 Coastal Home Supper Club event, “Holiday Folderol,” at SoundWaves, we are already gearing up for the first half of 2024 and the remainder of the Orchestra’s 42nd season.
Just think of the many events that can brighten your family’s days and evenings with the wonderful music of the HHSO musicians playing the likes of Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Grieg, and Brahms, among others. Those of you who want a more modern flair should sign up for John Williams’ Birthday Celebration in February as well as Tessa Lark’s fantastic violin performances in April. Did I mention everything? Not at all! There is far more to enjoy between now and the end of the season. If your calendar does not yet have the dates of the events I just mentioned, just call us and we will fill your book with the dates and times of these and other events flooding our performance schedule between January and April.
Those of you who already have these performances on your calendar, don’t stop there. We also are going to enjoy the many offerings in the BRAVOPIANO! festival, featuring some of the world’s best jazz and classical pianists, starting in late February and running into the first week of March, 2024. In addition, the year would not be complete without the Chamber Music Institute, which will bring together amazingly talented high school string players who will delight us with a week of performances under the guidance of outstanding collegiate instructors.
I didn’t mention, by any means, all the events you can enjoy—at Sunday Coastal Home Supper Clubs or Tuesday Gullah Cultural Series presentations at SoundWaves or the events throughout the island at other venues such as First Presbyterian Church, and other sites such as St. Luke’s Anglican Church and Lowcountry Celebration Park, as well as the Cypress or Tidepointe.
Come join my wife, Sue, and me for these wonderful musical delights during the next months. You will not be disappointed. I look forward to seeing you.
—Mike Harter, Chairman, Board of Directors
From the Other End of the Hallway

As we enjoy this festive season, I look back on recent months with great pride and gratitude about our accomplishments. At the same time, we will soon flip the page on the calendar to welcome 2024, which has me looking forward with great excitement!
Our fall 2023 season has been most successful, starting with the October concert of our 2023-24 HHIPC Recital series at SoundWaves, where 2019 first prize winner Chaeyoung Park gave an impressive performance to a capacity crowd. Following that on December 8 was an ‘SRO’ (Standing Room Only) audience for British pianist Simon Mulligan, who treated 110 people here to a sublime evening of jazz and traditional Holiday music—with a bit of virtuoso classical music sprinkled in—all wrapped up with his irresistible charm and humour (spelled the British way!).
Between those, we were mesmerized in November by extraordinary performances from Illia Ovcharenko (HHIPC 2022 second prize). Of course, Illia’s primary mission was to perform both piano concertos of Franz Liszt with the HHSO and Maestro JMR—resulting in standing ovations for Illia! Additionally, those lucky attendees at our Musical Feast Gala were fortunate to hear Illia play chamber music with two HHSO principal players plus a remarkable half-hour solo recital, which also brought the audience to its feet! Plus, I’m delighted to report that the event brought in $38,000 for the HHIPC, so BRAVO to Illia and all the performers and THANK YOU to everyone who supported our annual fundraiser.
In mid-January 2024, we look ahead eagerly to the triumphant return of our 2023 HHIPC first prize winner, Zhonghua Wei from China. Now age 15, Zhonghua will perform the ever-popular Grieg Piano Concerto with the HHSO and Maestro JMR, and I know he is greatly looking forward to coming back to play for us (which is indeed his first time performing this masterwork!).
Next comes the BravoPiano! Festival (scheduled from February 29 through March 4), with seats now on sale, and I am pleased to report that early ticket sales are encouraging. That said, we want to be sure that our hall is full for all of the world-class artists we are bringing here to HHI, so please get your tickets soon. And please help us spread the word throughout the Lowcountry that these five amazing concerts are right here in your own backyard! – www.hhipc.org
The Holiday season is also a time to be thankful, and our collective success is not possible without the vital assistance of our wonderful volunteers, so MANY THANKS to all of you who have helped us this season, with a special shout-out to our brilliant HHIPC Committee! And speaking of volunteers, we are always looking for people to lend a hand, so please contact me if you are interested in helping us out during BravoPiano! 2024.
I look forward to seeing you at one of these upcoming events, and in the meantime, let me wish you and your family a joyful Holiday, and all the best for a happy, healthy, and musical New Year!
—Steven Shaiman, Director, Hilton Head International Piano Competition and Education and Community Engagement
From the SoundWaves Studio
Neil Diamond, The Great Gatsby, and more!

With the conclusion of a bustling month of holiday music at SoundWaves, we find time for reflection and to express gratitude for the extraordinary music we have been able to enjoy this Fall: Gullah Cultural Series events, HHIPC Piano Recitals, Coastal Home Supper Club, and our newest mini-series, Broadway Icons. It has been blissful to augment the Symphony Orchestra’s musical offerings with these dynamite performances. Gullah Cultural Series touched us with reverent Watch Night and Kwanzaa traditions, local talents Folderol delighted all with a flirtatious holiday Coastal Home Supper Club presentation, and Broadway Icons came to a rousing close with Alysha Umphress bringing down the house in a brilliant program that included “I Get A Kick Out Of You,” “100 Ways To Lose A Man,” and “Little Jazz Bird.” We extend special thanks to American Traditions Competition Artistic and Executive Director Mikki Sodergren for this collaboration and to Lou and Karin Tosado for underwriting this series.
Each singer on Broadway Icons performed “She Used To Be Mine” from Waitress.
Which was your favorite?
Upon reflection, we also look ahead with eager anticipation for our next chapter of great musical performances. On the horizon in 2024, SoundWaves will host a Gullah Cultural Series event that will spotlight Native Island Business and Community Affairs Association’s month-long Hilton Head Island Gullah Celebration and enlighten us all to the NIBCAA organization: how it started, why it exists, and how it promotes the multi-generational native island Gullah traditions and culture. This is a must see/hear event that will dovetail with the month-long Gullah Celebration in February. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 6th. We are thrilled to continue this community partnership with Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park, The Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island, and Native Island Business and Community Affairs Association.
We will also continue our three-year run of sold-out Coastal Home Supper Club performances with Portland Oregon’s Tony Starlight and his Neil Diamond Experience program, lauded as the finest Neil Diamond Tribute in the country. It also may be the funniest. Two performances of this one are scheduled: Saturday, January 13th and Sunday, January 14th. Then, Supper Club guiding star Gretchen Kristine Stelzer returns February 11th with Recapturing the 1920’s Gatsby Era, an energetic throwback program highlighting hit musicals from, and films set in, the 1920’s, including songs from Cabaret, Chicago, and The Great Gatsby.
Finally, remember, when you are out and about town, tell your friends: I’ll see you at SoundWaves!
—Mario Incorvaia, Chief Operating Officer
Upcoming Events
Saturday and Sunday, January 13 and 14, 2023, 7:30 pm
(doors open at 6:00 pm, dinner served at 6:30 pm), SoundWaves, HHI
Coastal Home Supper Club – Tony Starlight’s Neil Diamond Experience
Tony Starlight, vocals; Charles Ancheta, piano; Delbert Felix, bass; Aaron Jennings, drums
Supper is provided by Fish Casual Coastal Seafood at Coligny
Buy TicketsSunday, January 21, 2024, 4:00 pm
Monday, January 22, 2024, 7:30 pm
First Presbyterian Church, 540 William Hilton Parkway, HHI
Orchestra Series, “Grieg and Brahms”
John Morris Russell, conductor
Zhonghua Wei, piano (2023 Hilton Head International Piano Competition Winner)
Alexander Borodin In the Steppes of Central Asia
Edward Grieg Piano Concerto, Op. 16, A minor
Johannes Brahms Symphony No. 2, Op. 73, in D Major
Pre-concert discussions will take place one hour prior to these concerts.
Buy Tickets for Sunday Buy Tickets for MondaySaturday, January 27, 2024, 1:00 pm
SoundWaves, HHI
Youth Concerto Competition
The YCC was created 15 years ago to inspire young musicians to pursue their goals in classical music. It is now one of the most respected competitions of its type in the Southeast. Please join us at SoundWaves for a delightful afternoon of string repertoire from nine young artists, ages 13 – 18, chosen as finalists from more than 40 applicants. The first prize winner will return to play with the HHSO next season!
Call (843) 842-2055 to order tickets.
Sunday, February 4, 2024, 4:00 pm
Monday, February 5, 2024, 7:30 pm
First Presbyterian Church, 540 William Hilton Parkway, HHI
Orchestra Series, “Bach, Mozart, and Brandon Leonard”
Vinay Parameswaran, guest conductor
Brandon Leonard, cello
Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, BWV1048, G Major
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33, TH 57
Jessie Montgomery Strum
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 38, K.504, D Major, “Prague”
Pre-concert discussions will take place one hour prior to these concerts.
Buy Tickets for Sunday Buy Tickets for MondayTuesday, February 6, 2024, 7:30 pm
(doors open at 6:00 pm, dinner served at 6:30 pm), SoundWaves, HHI
Gullah Cultural Series – A Gullah Celebration
Details to be announced soon. Watch for updates at hhso.org
Presented in partnership with the Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island, Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park, and the Native Island Business and Community Affairs Association.
To make a reservation, call (843) 842-2055.
Supper is provided by Chef Tracey Young at Da Shack in Bluffton
Saturday, February 10, 2024, 7:30 pm
(doors open at 6:00 pm, dinner served at 6:30 pm), SoundWaves, HHI
Coastal Home Supper Club – Recapturing the 1920’s Gatsby Era
Gretchen Kristine Stelzer, vocals; Tim Evans, piano and vocals; Kenneth Mason, bass; Chris Fullerton, drums
Details to be announced soon. Watch for updates at hhso.org. To make a reservation, call (843) 842-2055.
Sunday, February 18, 2024, 4:00 pm
Monday, February 19, 2024, 7:30 pm
First Presbyterian Church, 540 William Hilton Parkway, HHI
Orchestra Series, “John Williams Birthday Celebration”
John Morris Russell, conductor
The Raiders March from Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Shark Theme from Jaws
Theme from Jurassic Park
Theme from Schindler’s List
Olympic Fanfare and Theme
Air on Simple Gifts
Selections from Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone
Star Wars:
– Main Theme and Flag Parade from The Phantom Menace
– Across the Stars from Attack of the Clones
– Battle of the Heroes from Revenge of the Sith
– Princess Leia’s Theme from A New Hope
– Imperial March from The Empire Strikes Back
– Luke and Leia from Return of the Jedi
– The Jedi Steps and Finale from The Force Awakens
Pre-concert discussions will take place one hour prior to these concerts.
Buy Tickets for Sunday Buy Tickets for MondayHilton Head Symphony Orchestra (HHSO) Racial Equality Statement
The HHSO affirms that all races are equal. We intentionally and systematically support HHSO policies and practices in our organization that promote opportunities for full advancement of African-Americans and other marginalized groups that have been denied equal access and opportunity. Our local situation gives good historical example of the possibility for transformative change. That example is Mitchelville, one of our Lowcountry’s treasures. It was a bold and brave experiment of 1861, before the Emancipation Proclamation, in whichformerly enslaved people were granted land and provisions to build homes and to establish a working town that was self-governing. The HHSO recognizes that self-governance and mastery depend on equal opportunity. So, we seize the current adverse racial situation as our opportunity to become a positive change agent that will actively pursue diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all of our policies, programs, staff, committees, and Board.
The HHSO recognizes that racial inequity is systemic throughout our society. The HHSO therefore will examine its operations to address any racial inequality in our organization. We will work to eradicate any such adverse influence and to ensure that racial equality is integral to our mission and to implementation of our administrative and programming activities. We commit to all processes that will help us achieve our racial equity goal. We are committed to a racially inclusive approach in all that we do because we respect and value diverse racial heritages and know that hearing diverse voices will enrich what we have to offer.
Programs and Musicians: We shall schedule more performances of orchestral music by composers of color. We will be conscientious in recruitment, hiring, and advancement of musicians of color for all standard programs and competitions.
Staff: We will be deliberate in our effort to attract racially diverse staff in our recruitment and hiring activities and commit to providing equitable advancement opportunities for them.
Board of Directors: The HHSO Board pledges to seek increased representation of racially diverse directors and actively encourage opportunity for their Board leadership.
We respect diverse life experiences and work to ensure that all voices are heard and valued, and commit to creating a more comprehensive action plan that addresses diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for all marginalized groups.
Adopted August 12, 2020
2023-2024 Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors
R. Michael Harter
Eric Magnin
Vice Chairman, Strategic Planning
Bob Cherichella
Vice Chairman, Resource Development
Donald Flora
Carol Hack
Alan Jordan
President and CEO
Members At Large
Rabbi Brad Bloom
Ingrid Boatright
Joan Dattelbaum
Jay Eliott
Arthur Handman
Gloria Holmes
Bret Jacobowitz
Blaine Lotz
Mary Princing
Connie Rathman
Charles Sampson
Barbara Harris Sorkin
Alice W. Walton
Ex Officio
Terry Hicks (The League of the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra President)
Mario Incorvaia (Chief Operating Officer)
Steven Shaiman (Director, HHIPC and Education and Community Engagement)
John Morris Russell, Music Director
Alan Jordan, President and CEO, ajordan@hhso.org
Jason Economides, Orchestra Librarian
Ross Gerhardstein, Technical Director
Judy Gimbel, Hilton Head Chamber Music Institute Director
Rafe Goldman, Production Manager
Susan Hartmann, Patron Relations Manager, shartmann@hhso.org
Mario Incorvaia, Chief Operating Officer, mario.incorvaia@hhso.org
Gayle Lang, HHSO Chorus Manager, glang@hhso.org
Steven Shaiman, Director, Hilton Head International Piano Competition and Education and Community Engagement, sshaiman@hhso.org
Susan Strange, Finance Manager, sstrange@hhso.org
Jim Way, Administrative Manager, jway@hhso.org
Julie Williams, Special Projects Manager, jwilliams@hhso.org