40 Years of the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra &
10 Years of John Morris Russell as Music Director
during our 2021-2022 Season!
Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra
2021-2022 Season Subscription Information
View Orchestra Series Concerts
You may choose a series of nine, six, or three concerts from any of the Orchestra Series performance dates.
All ticket holders will be assigned seats according to:
Your concert series of choice; date of postmark or telephone order; and level of support.
Scroll down to view the updated ticket categories.
A processing fee will be added to the price.
(Full Subscription)
Seat Preference
A $522 B $405 C $198
Choose nine concerts; receive confirmed seats for the season’ recieve early notification of Special Events to purchase designated seats.
Seat Preference
A $349 B $270 C $132
Choose six concerts; seats determined after full subscription seats have been assigned.
Three Concert Package
Seat Preference
A $174 B $135 C $69
Choose three concerts; seats determined after full and six concert subscription seats have been assigned.